Date palm syrup

Date palm syrup
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Date palm syrup is a highly energetic food item. We strongly recommend purchasing date palm syrup for breakfast consumption.

By incorporating this syrup into your breakfast routine, you’ll experience a whole new level of enjoyment. Date palm syrup has a warm and dry nature, encapsulating all the benefits of dates within it. In this article, we aim to discuss the preparation, benefits, purchasing, and price of date palm syrup. Stay tuned with us.


How is Date Palm Syrup Prepared?

Many individuals use date palm syrup as a substitute for sugar in various desserts, such as in halva instead of sugar. During the winter season, date palm syrup gains significant popularity, especially when combined with snow to make a delightful treat.
Now let’s delve into how this popular syrup is prepared.

To make date palm syrup, begin by removing the pits from the dates. Then, place them in a deep pot and add water until they’re covered. Once the dates become completely soft and mushy, turn off the heat and allow them to cool.

In the next step, once the dates have cooled, strain them through a sieve and extract the syrup by applying pressure.

Afterwards, pour the syrup back into a pot and let it simmer. When the syrup reaches the desired thickness, remove it from the heat and let it cool once more.

Your date palm syrup is ready.

What Are the Benefits of Date Palm Syrup?

As mentioned earlier, date palm syrup inherits all the benefits of dates themselves. Similar to dates, date palm syrup has a warm nature, making it suitable for individuals with cold temperaments. Consuming date palm syrup helps these individuals maintain balance within their bodies. Now let’s further explore the benefits of date palm syrup for the body:

Supplying Various Vitamins to the Body
Date palm syrup contains a variety of nutrients. You can find proteins, natural sugars, minerals, and vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, A1, and C within this syrup. In fact, consuming date palm syrup eliminates the need for artificial vitamin supplements. Additionally, this syrup contains natural sugars like glucose, sucrose, and fructose, serving as an excellent substitute for artificial sugars.

Treating Constipation and Promoting Digestive Health
What’s essential for the digestive system above all else? Yes, fiber. What helps treat constipation and prevent it? You guessed it right! Fiber. So, to maintain digestive health, you need to consume fiber-rich nutrients. Date palm syrup contains fiber, making it beneficial for improving digestive health and aiding in constipation treatment.

Energy Supply, Fatigue Reduction, and Weakness Alleviation
Similar to other syrups, date palm syrup is packed with energy. Consuming it for breakfast is highly recommended for energy supply throughout the day. Particularly, children and teenagers who burn a lot of energy and require a rich energy source daily will benefit greatly from date palm syrup consumption. Date palm syrup also contains vitamins from the B group, which are beneficial for nerve balance, fatigue reduction, and weakness alleviation. Furthermore, date palm syrup is rich in magnesium and phosphorus. These two nutrients strengthen nerve cells and keep them cheerful.

Treating Anemia
This syrup is abundant in iron and folic acid. Hence, it aids in treating anemia. The folate found in dates is blood-forming. Pregnant women can try date palm syrup to improve blood formation. The natural iron present in date palm syrup also increases red blood cell production. Therefore, one of the natural ways to prevent or improve anemia is consuming date palm syrup.

In the above benefits, you’ve read that date palm syrup is a source of B group vitamins. These vitamins are useful for nerve balance, fatigue reduction, and weakness alleviation. Additionally, date palm syrup contains iron and folic acid, which are essential for blood formation. Moreover, the natural iron in date palm syrup increases red blood cell count. Therefore, one of the natural ways to prevent or improve anemia is consuming date palm syrup.

Skin and Hair Improvement
Date palm syrup contains vitamins C and D. These vitamins are highly beneficial for skin elasticity and smoothing. Date palm syrup can be said to have anti-aging properties and prevents melanin accumulation in the body. However, you need to maintain balance in its consumption, as date palm syrup has a warm nature. Overconsumption, especially when paired with other warm foods like yogurt, may cause acne.

The property of this syrup for hair stems from the iron present in it. Date palm syrup is rich in iron. Iron increases blood circulation under the scalp and, in turn, helps strengthen hair follicles. It also enhances hair growth.

Bone Strengthening
Date palm syrup strengthens bones due to the calcium and magnesium it contains. Date palm syrup has anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory property of date palm syrup is suitable for individuals suffering from arthritis and joint inflammation. Consuming this type of syrup helps relieve joint pain and rheumatic pains.

Gaining Weight with Date Palm Syrup
If you’re looking to gain weight, chances are you’re aware that you need to consume calorie-rich foods. We advise you to consume healthy calorie-rich foods! That means looking for nutritious substances that won’t harm your body and have benefits as well. Date palm syrup, due to its high protein and vitamin content, promotes muscle growth and fat reduction.

Date palm syrup is one of those items you can rely on for healthy weight gain. It’s a natural sweetener, so you can use it to sweeten smoothies or various concoctions.

By purchasing date palm syrup and using it to make sweets, desserts, halvas, beverages, and breakfast items, you’ll experience healthy weight gain along with its remarkable benefits. Additionally, you can mix this syrup with rice pudding to provide your body with calcium.


Combining date palm syrup with sesame halva is also a miracle for healthy weight gain. You can enjoy this combination for breakfast. Both date palm syrup and sesame halva are highly energetic, allowing you to simultaneously benefit from the properties of date palm syrup and sesame halva. For instance, date palm syrup and sesame halva serve as a natural remedy for anemia. Consuming them as a dessert after meals can aid in weight gain.

Nutritional Value of Date Palm Syrup Now that we’ve discussed weight gain with date palm syrup, let’s examine the nutritional value of this highly beneficial substance.

Date palm syrup also aids in weight loss. If you incorporate date palm syrup into your breakfast, you’ll feel less hungry throughout the day, leading to weight reduction.

The nutritional value of date palm syrup per 100 grams is as follows:

Calories: 115 kcal;

Carbohydrates: 23.46 grams;

Protein: 3.34 grams;

Fat: 1.76 grams;

Fiber: 1.72 grams;

Sugar: 21.50 grams;

Cholesterol: 6.97 mg.

Date Palm Syrup with Tahini Tahini and date palm syrup are among the best foods you can indulge in, especially date palm syrup with tahini! Consuming these two together has numerous benefits for the body, especially for weight loss. Consuming date palm syrup and tahini helps strengthen bones and improve brain function, prevent anemia, act as a natural anticancer agent, improve iron and calcium absorption, promote heart and vein health, and enhance sexual potency.

If you consume tahini and date palm syrup as a dessert after meals or as a snack, it also aids in healthy weight gain. Simply mix some tahini and date palm syrup in a separate container until well combined. Taste the mixture, and if it’s too sweet or too bitter, balance it out by adding more date palm syrup or tahini.

Why Does Date Palm Syrup Turn Bitter?

The process of preparing date palm syrup involves several stages. While the process may seem simple, it’s quite delicate. If an error occurs during the cooking process, the taste can completely change and become bitter. Additionally, if not stored properly, date palm syrup can turn bitter.

Reasons for Date Palm Syrup Turning Bitter Date palm syrup contains natural sugars that can change due to chemical processes during cooking or storage.

If date palm syrup is exposed to high temperatures during cooking, it becomes thicker than usual and takes on a bitter taste. After cooking, if you place the container of date palm syrup in direct sunlight or in a very hot place, its taste may become bitter.

Therefore, it’s best to store this syrup at an appropriate temperature and consume it in a timely manner.

How to Prevent Date Palm Syrup from Turning Bitter?

If you store date palm syrup at the right temperature, it will never turn bitter. Therefore, to prevent date palm syrup from turning bitter, everything depends on how you store it after purchasing it.

Avoid exposing date palm syrup to direct sunlight or high temperatures.

This can cause it to turn bitter. Store the container of date palm syrup in the refrigerator or in a cabinet with a suitable temperature. For example, cabinets above or near the stove are not suitable for storing this syrup because the heat from the stove raises the temperature of these cabinets.

The key to keeping date palm syrup healthy is to store it at a cool temperature and away from sunlight.


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