Features of the Best Iranian Tea | Why Should We Buy Iranian Tea?

Iranian Tea
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Types of Iranian Black Tea Tea plants are made up of various parts, and you might find it interesting that each part of this plant can impart a different flavor to this beloved beverage. So, it’s better to first become familiar with the types of Iranian black tea to make a better choice.

Iranian black tea is categorized into the following types:


Sargol Tea

Sargol is the name for the highest quality and best Iranian tea, which comes from the tips and upper leaves of the tea plant and has small, curly leaves.

This type of tea has an exceptionally bitter, robust flavor and is very vibrant in color. On the other hand, it has a higher weight compared to other types of tea and is more expensive due to its rarity.

If you intend to buy authentic Sargol tea, make sure most of the tea is made up of curly leaves or broken tea leaves. If there are fewer broken leaves compared to small, curly leaves, the quality of Sargol tea is better.

Sargol Tea

Pekoe Tea

After Sargol, Pekoe tea ranks second as the best Iranian tea. The leaves of this type of tea are larger compared to Sargol and have a milder flavor with less bitterness. Pekoe tea is less expensive than Sargol tea but has a higher price compared to Qalameh tea.

If you’re looking for quality tea at a reasonable price, Pekoe tea would be a good choice.

Qalameh Tea

Qalameh tea comes from the lower leaves of the tea plant and has a larger size and a milder flavor compared to other types of tea. This type of tea has a needle-like shape, is lighter in color, and is priced lower compared to Pekoe and Sargol teas.

Qalameh Tea

Broken Leaf Tea

During the production process of tea, not all leaves remain intact and are divided into several parts. Broken leaf tea is essentially tea made from broken leaves, which is lighter compared to Pekoe and Sargol teas.

On the other hand, broken leaf tea has fewer breakages compared to other types of tea, and its leaves are smoother. The small size of broken leaf tea makes it quick to brew and turns into the best Iranian tea for individuals who don’t have the patience for long brewing times and want their tea to steep in less than ten minutes.

Barooti Tea

Barooti tea is very similar to broken leaf tea, but with smaller sizes and finer leaves. This type of tea is more commonly used in brewing pots and tea bags due to its quick brewing and quick color release.

Barooti Tea

Spring Tea, Summer Tea, Autumn Tea

Tea harvested and produced in the spring season is called spring tea. The harvesting process for this type of tea begins in mid-April and takes about 20 days. Spring tea is also called first flush tea.

In early July, after the tea bushes have regrown new green leaves, the second flush of tea begins, which is called summer tea.

The third flush or autumn tea is harvested in September and October. Only about 10% of the tea produced in the autumn is harvested, and most of the tea belongs to spring and summer.

Among these three types of different teas, spring tea has a better aroma and flavor, but summer and autumn teas also have reasonable quality, and generally, the choice between these three types depends on personal taste and preference.



Why Buy or Drink Iranian Tea? If you’re unsure about buying Iranian tea versus foreign tea and are looking for reasons to buy the Iranian type, don’t miss the rest of the article:

  1. Iranian Tea Doesn’t Contain Additives There are no additives in Iranian tea, and no chemicals are added during the fermentation process. So, when drinking this tea, rest assured that you’re consuming a natural and additive-free beverage.
  2. Iranian Tea Has Natural Color If you think Iranian tea is light-colored and slow to brew, we must tell you that one of the quality indicators of tea is its color – the natural color of the tea leaf itself! So, being light-colored is not a disadvantage of tea, and in fact, the best Iranian teas and the best teas in the world are light-colored. Foreign teas that quickly turn dark are full of additives and colorants that quickly fade.

Features of the Best Iranian Tea The best Iranian tea has multiple features, among the most important of which are the following:

The best Iranian tea is composed of large particles. The smaller the dimensions of the tea, the darker the tea color and the more bitter the taste. Although some people prefer bitter and dark tea, this type of tea is not universally popular. The best Iranian tea has a natural reddish or slightly darker color. If the tea contains additives, you can no longer see this color. Additionally, natural tea requires a longer steeping time and has a pleasant aroma. The best Iranian tea is leafy. Leafy teas are only found in some areas. This type of tea has a better aroma and gives more pleasure when drinking tea.

To determine the authenticity of tea, you must brew it and not judge by appearance alone. After brewing the tea, if it has a good aroma and color, you have chosen the best Iranian tea.

It takes about 20 minutes to brew Iranian tea. Otherwise, it can be said that the purchased tea is not of high quality. If, after brewing the tea, you notice materials settling at the bottom of the cup, the tea is not natural and authentic.

Iranian Tea


  1. What is the difference between Sargol and Pekoe tea? The best Iranian tea is made from Sargol. Tea, most of which comes from the tips of the tea bush, is called Sargol, and if the tea is slightly broken and contains larger leaves alongside smaller, curly leaves, it is called Pekoe tea.
  2. What is the difference between Barooti and Broken Leaf tea? During the production of tea from green tea leaves, some leaves break and become fragmented. Both Barooti and Broken Leaf teas are made from broken leaves. Both are lighter than Pekoe and Sargol teas and are cheaper. The most important difference between these two types of tea is that Barooti tea has finer leaves and brews faster and releases color more quickly. Additionally, due to its lower quality compared to Broken Leaf tea, it is cheaper.

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