Genuine vs. Fake Tahini: How to Tell the Difference

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If you’re a big fan of tahini, you’ve probably wondered how to tell the difference between genuine and fake tahini. In this article, we will provide a guide to help you choose high-quality tahini and explain the key differences between authentic and counterfeit tahini. Stay with us to learn more.

Tahini and sesame

Identifying Genuine vs. Fake Tahini

You don’t have to travel to Ardakan to experience the unique taste and aroma of genuine tahini. By following a few key tips, you can enjoy high-quality tahini right where you live. Here are some of the primary differences between genuine and fake tahini:

Taste of Tahini

Fake tahini often has a bitter and unpleasant taste, whereas authentic tahini has a mildly astringent flavor without the harsh bitterness. Before buying, ask the seller if you can sample a small amount to test the taste.

Taste of Tahini

Color of Tahini

One of the most important ways to distinguish genuine tahini from fake is its color. Generally, the lighter and creamier the color, the fresher and more authentic the tahini. Old or low-quality tahini tends to be darker in color.

Aroma of Tahini

The aroma of tahini is another key factor in identifying its authenticity. Before buying, give it a sniff; if it smells stale or unpleasant, do not buy it. Genuine tahini has a pleasant aroma with a mild sesame fragrance.

Thickness of Tahini

The consistency of genuine tahini is moderate—not too runny like water and not too thick to stir. Keep in mind that if tahini is left standing for a while, its oil will separate and rise to the top, while the sesame paste settles at the bottom. This is not a sign of counterfeit or low-quality tahini; it’s simply the natural behavior of oil.

If you need a guide to buying genuine tahini, it’s essential to recognize the key differences. Authentic tahini has a moderate thickness, pleasant aroma, light color, and mild astringent taste.

tahini arde

Why Buy Genuine Tahini?

You might wonder why it’s essential to buy authentic tahini and whether there’s a significant difference between genuine and fake tahini. The truth is that if you don’t pay attention to the quality and buy just any tahini from any seller, you not only miss out on its health benefits—such as providing calcium and iron—but you also risk harming your body and, in some cases, experiencing food poisoning.

To ensure you get the best tahini and avoid any health risks, always buy from reputable and well-known brands. This way, you can enjoy the authentic flavor of genuine tahini while supplying your body with valuable minerals and vitamins.


What We Learned About Genuine vs. Fake Tahini

In this article, we aimed to provide a guide to buying genuine tahini and explain the differences between authentic and counterfeit tahini. The key factors for genuine tahini are its moderate thickness, pleasant aroma, light color, and mild astringent taste. Therefore, always choose reputable stores for your tahini purchases, such as Kashavarz Food Industries, a brand with over 90 years of experience.


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