Persian Blue

blue salt
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Blue Salt

Initial Introduction

Blue salt, or “Persian Blue” , is one of the types of mineral salts primarily extracted in Iran. This salt has garnered widespread attention due to its unique characteristics, including its blue color and appealing appearance. Typically extracted from the Semnan province in northern Iran, blue salt ranks among the rarest salts globally. Consequently, it is recognized as a gemstone of Iran’s mineral resources, attracting many individuals eager to experience it.

blue persian

Characteristics of Blue Salt

Blue salt possesses distinctive features setting it apart from other salts. Its natural blue color stems from containing elements such as potassium chloride and other minerals. Moreover, blue salt crystals exhibit pink and blue streaks,.

Various Applications

blue salt

Blue salt, as a luxurious and valuable salt, finds utility across diverse applications. In culinary endeavors, it serves as a decorative and flavor-enhancing element, imparting unique tastes and appearances to dishes. Additionally, traditional and therapeutic treatments utilize this salt. For instance, incorporating blue salt into bathing routines aids in inflammation reduction, muscle relaxation, and acts as a skin exfoliant.

Therapeutic Properties

Blue salt boasts numerous therapeutic properties beneficial for both physical and psychological well-being. It aids in pain relief, stress reduction, blood pressure regulation, and enhances sleep quality. Furthermore, it is recognized as an antibacterial and disinfectant agent.


Therapeutic properties with blue salt

Advantages of Usage

Employing blue salt as a natural and valuable salt offers numerous advantages. It contains a variety of essential minerals crucial for bodily health. Furthermore, its utilization as a decorative element in culinary practices and as an effective component in traditional and sanitary treatments enhances life quality.

Various Uses of Blue Salt

Blue salt, with its unique characteristics and properties, finds application across diverse domains ranging from culinary to sanitary and therapeutic industries. In this section, we’ll delve into the various uses of blue salt:

1. In Culinary Practices:

One of the primary applications of blue salt is in culinary endeavors. Due to its mild and distinct flavor, this type of salt is extensively used in various dishes. Examples of dishes that can incorporate blue salt include salads, steaks, seafood, sauces, and other everyday meals.

Cooking with Persian blue

2. In Food Industries:

Blue salt, owing to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, is also utilized in food industries. It can serve as a preservative in various food products such as cheese, meat, and seafood.

Cooking with blue salt

3. In Sanitary and Therapeutic Industries:

Because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, blue salt finds diverse applications in the sanitary and therapeutic industries. Its uses in this domain include its incorporation into skincare products such as scrubs and facial masks. Additionally, blue salt is utilized as a disinfectant and antifungal agent in the production of hygiene products like shampoo and soap.


Scrub with blue salt

4. In Hydrology Industries:

Blue salt, due to its specific chemical properties, also has applications in hydrology industries. It can be employed as a preservative and disinfectant in swimming pools and covered pools to prevent the growth of microbes and fungi.

Hydrology Industries

5. In Textile Industries:

Blue salt, owing to its properties for controlling dyes, also finds utility in textile industries. It can be used as a dye fixative in the dyeing process of various fibers.

Textile Industries

6. In Various Industries:

Due to its unique properties, blue salt is utilized in various industries such as cosmetics, textile, and food industries. Its applications include its use in skincare products, dyeing fibers, preserving food products, and as preservatives in swimming pools.

The Complete and Detailed Overview of Blue Salt Benefits

persian blue

Blue salt, with its treasure trove of unique properties, holds significant importance for human health. Below, we’ll delve into the examination of the characteristics and benefits of blue salt:

  1. Antibacterial Properties: Blue salt possesses potent antibacterial properties that can effectively control and prevent bacterial infections in the body.
  1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Research indicates that consuming blue salt can act as a natural anti-inflammatory and aid in alleviating some inflammation-related issues.
  1. Antifungal Properties: Renowned for its antifungal properties, blue salt can be effective in treating fungal skin infections.
  1. Blood Pressure Regulation: Balanced consumption of blue salt can help regulate blood pressure and effectively control the body’s blood pressure.
  1. Immune System Enhancement: Blue salt is rich in beneficial minerals that can help boost the body’s immune system and prevent various illnesses.
  1. Skin and Hair Health Impact: Using blue salt can assist in strengthening the skin and hair, contributing to their overall health.
  1. Electrolyte Balance Impact: Consumption of blue salt can aid in maintaining the body’s electrolyte balance and preventing electrolyte imbalances.
  1. Sleep Quality Impact: Some studies suggest that consuming blue salt can improve sleep quality, helping individuals have better nights.

It is important to note, however, that the consumption of blue salt should be balanced and in accordance with the recommendations of medical professionals and nutrition experts to utilize its benefits to the fullest extent.


Benefits of Using Blue Salt:

persian blue salt

Using blue salt as a natural source comes with numerous advantages, including:

  1. Enriching the Body with Essential Minerals: Utilizing blue salt can help enrich the body with essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, and iron.
  1. Improving Skin and Hair Health: Bathing with blue salt water can aid in improving the condition of the skin and hair, nourishing and strengthening them.
  1. Reducing Inflammation: Incorporating blue salt can contribute to reducing inflammation in the body, promoting overall health.
  1. Alleviating Stress and Anxiety: Bathing with blue salt water can help alleviate stress and anxiety, inducing a state of relaxation and tranquility.
  1. Relieving Muscle Aches: Using blue salt in baths as a form of hydrotherapy can assist in relieving muscle and joint pains.

Ways of Using Blue Salt:

1. Bathing with Blue Salt Water:

  •  To bathe with blue salt water, you can add blue salt to your bathtub or basin.
  •  Bathing with blue salt water can help relieve muscle and joint pains.
  •  This process can contribute to improving the condition of the skin and hair, providing them with nourishment and additional strengthening.


2. Utilization in Fountains and Plant Irrigation:

  • Some individuals add blue salt to fountains and other aqueous solutions.
  • This practice can aid in maintaining mineral balance in water and irrigation systems for plants.
Fountains and watering plants

3. Usage in Culinary Purposes:

  • Blue salt can serve as a seasoning in various dishes.
  • Typically, this type of salt adds a distinctive flavor and aroma to foods, enhancing their taste.
Cooking with blue salt

4. Incorporation in Beverages:

  • Some people add blue salt to beverages such as lemon water or fruit-infused water.
  • This action can enhance the flavor of the beverage and increase mineral content.

5. Application in Traditional Medicine:

  • In some cultures, blue salt is used as a therapeutic element in traditional medicine.
  • Typically, this type of salt is utilized as a form of hydrotherapy to treat various ailments.

How to Distinguish Between Genuine and Fake Blue Salt:

persia blue
  1.  Examination of Color and Particle Shape:

  • Genuine blue salt typically consists of crystalline particles with a blue hue leaning towards purple. If particles are observed in different colors or unusual forms, the blue salt in question is likely fake.

2. Experience and Trust in Exchange:

  • Purchasing from reputable and trustworthy sources can reduce the risk of buying fake blue salt. Choosing brands with credibility and ensuring the authenticity of their products can help ensure the purchase of genuine blue salt.

The presence of blue and transparent streaks in the crystals is the most important indicator of authentic blue salt. Note that these colored layers are in a halo-like form and are not purely blue. Even the powder of blue salt has grains that are somewhat blue in color; therefore, pay special attention to this feature when purchasing Semnan blue salt.

Many opportunistic individuals attempt to deceive by coloring ordinary salt rocks; therefore, remember that you should only buy Iranian blue salt from reputable stores. At Asam Export Store, the best quality of Iranian blue salt, with 100% purity, is supplied to customers.

By conducting various tests and trusting reputable sources, you can easily differentiate between genuine and fake blue salt and enjoy purchasing high-quality products.

The Value and Uniqueness of Blue Salt:

Blue salt, as one of the unique and distinctive salts, holds special value. Due to its natural characteristics, diverse uses, and therapeutic properties, this type of salt is highly esteemed and recognized as one of Iran’s natural and mineral treasures.

How to use edible blue salt; Add in the final stages of cooking

Blue salt is naturally rich in iodine. The iodine present in blue salt dissipates with prolonged exposure to heat. Therefore, it’s recommended to add blue salt to dishes during the final stages of cooking. It’s also preferable to use blue rock salt for cooking, as it dissolves quickly in food. Due to its potent and somewhat citrusy notes, it reduces the acidity of dishes. It’s a very dry salt, making it easy to grind in a salt mill. This beautiful Iranian blue salt is commonly used in dishes like tomato salad, homemade tomato sauce, and a wide range of daily meals.

Blue salt from Garmasar is extremely dry and should be used by grinding. This type of salt is used to prepare many delicious dishes such as carp fish, salads, tomato sauce, and many other dishes.

You know that salt is one of the most important spices and flavor enhancers in many dishes in kitchens, and despite the various types of salt available, Iranian salt is one of the best types of this kind of salt.

It is worth mentioning that the mine of this type of rocks is abundant in the mountains of Semnan and Garmasar cities, and due to the presence of many minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc, it has very good properties.


It’s important to store salt away from the stove or any heat source, as the moisture generated during cooking in these areas can quickly degrade the salt’s properties. The best place to store Iranian blue rock salt is in a dry and moisture-free environment.


Blue Salt: Stealthy Foe or Overt Threat?

In our quest for meaning and pleasure in the flavor of life, we often seek ways to enhance our everyday experiences. However, in this journey, we mustn’t forget that our choices can have profound effects on our health and well-being. Among these choices, the consumption of blue salt—a common ingredient in our diet—can play a vital role.

Yet, is blue salt beneficial for everyone? Certainly not. Individuals with hypertension or heart issues should tread cautiously when it comes to consuming blue salt. Excessive salt intake can elevate blood pressure and exacerbate heart problems. Similarly, those with kidney issues should pay attention to their salt intake, as it can lead to an imbalance of minerals like sodium and potassium in the body, detrimental to kidney health.

In addition to these cautions, individuals with metabolic salt-related issues should also limit their salt intake. Therefore, on the road to health and tranquility, there’s always room for intelligent choices. In this regard, finding a balance in the consumption of blue salt can be a valuable step toward achieving health and peace of mind.

What is the reason for the blue color of this salt?

The reason for the blue color of this salt lies in the significant presence of potassium chloride. The attractive blue color of this salt is due to the high levels of potassium chloride present in it.

The Benefits of Blue Salt for Athletes: Enhancing Performance and Recovery

1. Electrolyte Replenishment

Athletes lose significant amounts of electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium through sweat during intense workouts and physical activities. Blue salt can help quickly replenish these electrolytes and maintain the body’s electrolyte balance.

 Benefits of Blue Salt for Athletes

2. Increased Energy and Reduced Fatigue

Minerals in blue salt, such as magnesium and potassium, aid in better cellular function and provide the necessary energy for physical activities. These minerals can help reduce fatigue and increase athletes’ endurance.

3. Improved Muscle Function

Potassium and calcium in blue salt play a crucial role in muscle contractions and proper muscle function. Consuming blue salt can improve muscle performance and reduce muscle cramps during and after workouts.

4. Better Hydration

Blue salt can enhance the absorption of water by cells and prevent dehydration. This property is especially important for athletes training in hot and humid environments.

5. Immune System Boost

Intense exercise can put stress on the immune system. Minerals in blue salt, such as zinc and magnesium, can strengthen the immune system and protect athletes from infections and illnesses.

6. Reduced Inflammation and Pain

Blue salt has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with intense workouts. This property can aid in faster muscle recovery and reduce recovery time.

7. Improved Cardiovascular Performance

Minerals in blue salt, especially potassium, can improve cardiovascular performance and regulate blood pressure. These features help athletes perform better during intense exercises.

8. Antioxidant Properties

Blue salt has antioxidant properties that can help reduce damage caused by free radicals in the body. Athletes can use blue salt to prevent oxidative stress and damage caused by intense workouts.

9. Enhanced Digestion

Athletes need efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients. Blue salt can improve the digestive process and enhance nutrient absorption.


With its beneficial mineral composition, blue salt can be used as a natural and effective supplement for athletes. By helping with electrolyte replenishment, increasing energy, improving muscle and cardiovascular performance, and boosting the immune system, blue salt can enhance overall performance and increase athletes’ efficiency.

Benefits of Blue Salt for Skin and Hair

Blue salt, due to its beneficial mineral content such as magnesium, chloride, sodium, and calcium, can be highly beneficial for the skin and hair. Some of the benefits of blue salt for the skin and hair include:

Skin and Hair
  1. Skin Cleansing: Blue salt can be used as a natural exfoliant for the skin. By removing dead skin cells, it cleanses the skin and promotes clarity and cleanliness.
  2. Moisturizing the Skin: Blue salt can act as a skin softener. By retaining moisture, it helps alleviate dryness and creates a sense of calmness and softness in the skin.
  3. Treatment of Skin Infections: Blue salt can serve as a natural antiseptic for the skin. By addressing skin infections such as acne, pimples, and fungal infections, it promotes skin improvement and healing.
  4. Hair Growth Enhancement: Blue salt can be used as a strengthening agent for hair growth. By increasing blood flow to the scalp, it strengthens hair roots and promotes faster hair growth.
  5. Dandruff Removal: Blue salt can act as an anti-dandruff agent for the scalp. By eliminating dandruff and cleansing the scalp, it creates a soft scalp and healthy skin.

Incorporating blue salt into your skincare and hair care routine can provide a natural and effective way to maintain healthy skin and hair.


The price of Persian salt

The price of Garmasar blue salt is recognized as the most valuable and rarest type of salt among all salts available worldwide. It commands a very good price, which has led to its high popularity among many consumers.

As you know, the combination of drinking water and salt can create a very strong and effective disinfectant solution, which can be used to combat many oral and gum diseases. Consequently, according to studies conducted by many experts and researchers, blue salt can increase oxytocin hormone levels in stressful conditions, inducing a sense of well-being and happiness for the user. It can also facilitate easy digestion by stimulating saliva production in the mouth.

Today, in many countries around the world, this type of salt is used for salt therapy and halotherapy. Patients with respiratory problems spend time in salt-covered rooms, and covering their bodies with salt can aid in the treatment of various diseases due to the presence of highly beneficial minerals.

This type of salt is one of the most natural salts in the world, found in 100% natural form, and can improve brain function and body metabolism.

Because these salts are obtained from natural rocks, according to traditional medicine experts, blue salt can act as a very powerful and effective antidote in the body, significantly reducing the risk of many heart and liver diseases, among others.

Additionally, other benefits of this type of salt include its neuroprotective properties, its powerful and effective control over high blood pressure, treatment of liver and kidney insufficiency, as well as the management of heart problems, depression, stress reduction, and many other types of illnesses.

Professional Guidelines for Transporting and Maintaining Blue Salt

Transportation Conditions by Air:

  • Controlled Temperature: To preserve the quality of blue salt, controlled temperature conditions are necessary during air transportation to prevent unwanted temperature fluctuations.
  • Secure Packaging: Utilizing secure and robust packaging with sturdy boxes is essential to protect the content from impacts and vibrations.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Continuous monitoring by experienced personnel during loading, unloading, and transit is vital to ensure the safety of the blue salt.

Transportation Conditions by Sea:

  • Moisture Resistance: Transportation by sea may require proper packaging to prevent damage due to exposure to moist sea conditions.
  • Temperature Control: During long sea voyages, temperature fluctuations can impact the blue salt, necessitating measures for temperature control and content protection.
  • Ongoing Supervision: Continuous monitoring of storage conditions and cargo status during sea transportation is critical to address any issues promptly.
Transporting and Maintaining Blue Salt

Transportation Conditions by Land (Rail and Road):

  • Temperature Control: In some instances, temperature control during land transportation may be necessary, especially when environmental temperatures can affect the content.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regular monitoring of cargo status, including temperature, throughout the journey by land transportation is crucial to promptly identify and address any issues.


Considering its unique characteristics, various uses, and therapeutic properties, blue salt stands as a special and valuable mineral salt of significant importance. With its special attributes, it can contribute to improving human health, beauty, and well-being. Therefore, the utilization of blue salt as one of Iran’s rich natural and mineral resources is recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What are the main benefits of blue salt? Blue salt contains rich mineral compounds and significant amounts of magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. These minerals help maintain electrolyte balance in the body and improve vital processes.
  2. Why is blue salt more expensive than regular salt? The scarcity of this salt and its unique properties are among the main reasons for the higher price of blue salt compared to regular salts.
  3. How can one identify genuine blue salt? Observing blue streaks is one of the most important indicators for identifying genuine blue salt. The blue color in this salt is not uniform and may vary in different parts. Additionally, the blue color should appear natural and not resemble artificial colors or chemical additives.

Thank you for your attention.


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