Apples have a smooth and colorful skin available in various shades of red, green, and yellow. This delicious fruit offers a sweet and tangy taste with a juicy and crisp texture. Alongside a significant amount of water content, apples provide a range of vitamins and beneficial minerals such as Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. As one of the most commonly used and beloved fruits, apples are consumed fresh or used in various dishes and desserts.

(1 customer review)



Apples are an incredible source of nutrients that can contribute significantly to better health. Some benefits of apples include:


  • Heart Health: Consuming apples can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as the antioxidants and fiber present in them aid in improving heart health and reducing cholesterol levels.


  • Supports Digestive System: The fiber in apples can regulate digestion and alleviate stomach and bowel issues.


  • Enhances Brain Health: Nutrients in apples can help maintain brain health and reduce the risk of brain-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.


  • Weight Management: The high water content and fiber in apples contribute to a feeling of fullness, facilitating weight control.


  • Stronger Immune System: Vitamins and antioxidants in apples can strengthen the immune system, protecting against illnesses and infections.


Regular consumption of apples as part of a diverse diet can significantly contribute to overall health and well-being.

Additional information


Approximately 52


13.8 grams


10.4 grams


2.4 grams


0.2 grams


0.3 grams

Vitamin C

4.6 milligrams


107 milligrams


6 milligrams


0.1 milligrams

1 review for APPLE

  1. Sergei Romanov

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