Dried apple with skin

Dried apples are a popular method of preserving apples by removing their moisture, extending their shelf life. The process involves harvesting, slicing them into various shapes, and then drying them using warm air or sunlight. Dried apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, promoting digestive health and serving as a healthy, energy-boosting snack. Due to the moisture removal, dried apples have a longer shelf life compared to fresh ones and can be easily stored for an extended period.

(1 customer review)



  • Nutrient Retention: Dried apples retain many of the nutrients present in fresh apples, including fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, despite the moisture removal process.


  • Longer Shelf Life: Their low moisture content makes dried apples less prone to spoilage, allowing for a longer shelf life compared to fresh apples.


  • Portability: Dried apples are lightweight and portable, making them a convenient, healthy snack option that can be easily carried on-the-go.


  • Digestive Health: Rich in dietary fiber, dried apples can aid digestion, promote gut health, and assist in regulating bowel movements.


  • Energy Boost: They offer a natural source of energy due to their natural sugars, making them a great choice for a quick and healthy energy boost during the day.


  • Versatility: Dried apples can be used in various culinary applications, including baking, cooking, or as a standalone snack, adding a sweet and tangy flavor to dishes.

Additional information


Approximately 270 kcal


Around 73 grams


About 48 grams


Roughly 12 grams


About 0.5 grams


Approximately 1 gram

Vitamin C

Around 10 milligrams


Approximately 20 milligrams


Roughly 0.8 milligrams

1 review for Dried apple with skin

  1. Asam export

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