Dried apples without skin

Dried apples without skin typically retain a substantial amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Removing the skin may reduce some fiber content but still provides a good source of nutrients. These dried apples, known for their sweet and tangy taste, serve as a healthy and energy-boosting snack. Additionally, due to the absence of skin, dried apples without skin might be more suitable for individuals with certain digestive issues.

(1 customer review)



  • Nutrient Retention: Even without the skin, dried apples retain significant amounts of vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, promoting overall health and wellbeing.


  • Low in Fat: Dried apples without skin are naturally low in fat, making them a healthy snack choice for those watching their fat intake.


  • Digestive Health: With a good amount of fiber, they support digestive health, aiding in regular bowel movements and promoting a healthy gut.


  • Energy Boost: Packed with natural sugars, they provide a quick and sustained energy source, ideal for combating fatigue or as a pre-workout snack.


  • Convenient Snack: Being portable and shelf-stable, they serve as a convenient, on-the-go snack, offering a flavorful and nutritious alternative to processed snacks.

Additional information


Approximately 250-270 kcal


Around 60-75 grams


About 40-50 grams


Roughly 8-12 grams


Less than 1 gram


Less than 1 gram

Vitamin C

Around 5-10 milligrams


Approximately 10-20 milligrams


Roughly 0.5-1 milligram

1 review for Dried apples without skin


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