Soup Noodles

Soup noodles, or noodle soup pasta, are a type of noodles specifically designed for use in soups and broths. These noodles are typically of a thickness that allows them to absorb liquids well and have a structure that holds up nicely in liquid environments. Soup noodles come in various shapes and designs, including mosaic, silk, margherita, and more.

(1 customer review)



Soup noodles, also known as noodle soup pasta, are a type of noodles crafted specifically for use in soups and broths. These noodles are typically of a thickness that enables them to absorb liquids effectively while maintaining their shape in liquid environments. They are often made from wheat flour and may be supplemented with ingredients such as eggs, salt, and water during the preparation process.

These noodles are commonly available in the market and come in a wide range of shapes and designs. Some soup noodles may consist of mosaic, silk, or margherita noodles, which add visual appeal to soups.

Soup noodles usually have a short cooking time and are typically ready within a few minutes after being added to the soup. Apart from being used in soups, these noodles can also be incorporated into other dishes such as salads or different cooked meals, although they are primarily designed for use in soups.

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1000 and 500 grams

1 review for Soup Noodles


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