Sultana raisins light

“Sultana raisins light” are a type of dried fruit made from Sultana grapes. These grapes, often of the Thompson Seedless variety, have thin and shiny skin and are commonly used for producing raisins.

Sultana raisins light typically have a bright yellowish color and offer a sweet, fragrant taste. They are obtained through a drying process that reduces their moisture content, thus enhancing and preserving their nutritional value.

These raisins are a good source of vitamins (such as Vitamin C), minerals (like potassium), and antioxidants. They serve as a healthy and nutritious snack and are frequently utilized in desserts, various dishes, and as ingredients in baked goods such as breads, cakes, and breakfast foods.

(1 customer review)



  • Anemia

Raisins are full of iron, copper and B complex vitamins; they are a valuable addition to daily diet. anemia or iron deficiency can be eliminate by regularly consuming raisins.

  • Cancer

High levels of polyphenolic antioxidants, known as catechins, destroy free radicals that lead to the occurrence of tumors, particularly colon cancer.


  • Poor Digestion

Raisins contain rich content of fiber. They serve as a great remedy to treat chronic constipation. Raisins regularize bowel movements, and keep gastrointestinal tract healthy


  • Fever

Since they are rich in phenolic phytochemicals, they are great antibacterial and antioxidant agents. Raisins are helpful in relieving bacterial infections or fever caused by viruses.


  • Poor Eye Health

It also include many polyphenolic phytonutrients that are great for ocular health. Because they protect eyes from many damages caused by free radical. They are also good sources of vitamin A and beta carotene to improve eyesight for maintaining good eye health.


  • Low Energy

Raisins are full of carbs, especially natural sugars including glucose and fructose. This is why raisins are always handy when it is need a quick boost of energy. They also help in good absorption of all essential nutrients including proteins in the body.


  • Bad Dental Health

Another great benefit of raisins is that it contains a phytochemical called oleanolic acid that offers incredible protection against all kinds of dental problems. If somebody suffers from cavities, tooth decay or brittle teeth; raisins will prevent any bacterial growth in the mouth. Moreover, raisins are also rich in calcium to protect tooth enamel.


  • Hypertension

Raisins regulate blood flow and decrease high blood pressure. Since they contain many antioxidants along with iron, potassium and B-complex vitamins; It’s helpful in reducing the stiffness of blood vessels. This greatly helps in relieving and lowering hypertension. The absence of sodium makes it a great snack during hunger pangs.


  • Cures Insomnia

They are also recommended as a beneficial treatment to help sleep disorders. It’s guaranteed to fix a distorted sleep pattern.


  • Poor Bone Health

Raisins contain good amounts of calcium. This is important to strengthen bones and relieve joint pain. Raisins are also great sources of a micronutrient, It’s also beneficial in preventing menopause induced osteoporosis and supports good bone health.

Additional information


320.8 Kcal


75.9 g


1.9 g


75.8 g

Dietary Fiber

3.0 g


0.04 mg

1 review for Sultana raisins light

  1. Yasmin abdel rahman

    شكرا لكم على التعاون الممتاز

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