Syrup Mix

Introduction to Crystal Tri-Syrup

Crystal Tri-Syrup is a concoction of three high-quality fruit syrups: grape, mulberry, and date. When these three syrups are combined in specific proportions, they act as a miraculous remedy for treating various ailments.

This syrup is rich in organic, mineral, and vitamin content essential for the body’s well-being.

(1 customer review)



ntroducing Crystal Tri-Syrup 

Crystal Tri-Syrup by Farmers is made from exceptionally healthy and top-quality fruits, ensuring you can indulge in a natural and organic syrup, reaping its unique benefits.

The syrup is prepared from healthy and high-quality grapes, mulberries, and dates. With these characteristics, you can enjoy a pure, organic, and healthy syrup.

Nutritional Value of Crystal Tri-Syrup

Crystal Tri-Syrup encapsulates the benefits of all three fruits in one.

It is packed with organic, mineral, and various vitamin content necessary for the body.

Among these vitamins and minerals are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Various B vitamins
  • Iron and Folate

Benefits of Crystal Tri-Syrup

The benefits of Crystal Tri-Syrup include:

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Warm and comforting during winter months
  • Suitable for treating anemia
  • Ideal as a natural sweetener
  • Enhancing sexual vigor

Best Time to Consume Crystal Tri-Syrup

Crystal Tri-Syrup can be consumed for breakfast or as an evening snack. It can be enjoyed with cream or yogurt. Additionally, it can be poured over rice pudding for a delightful midday treat.

Taste of Crystal Tri-Syrup

The flavor of Crystal Tri-Syrup is sweet and pleasant, derived from the essence of dates, mulberries, and grapes. It offers a harmonious blend of the delicious flavors of all three fruits.

1 review for Syrup Mix


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