Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup

Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup:

A nutritious delicacy made from ground sesame seeds combined with four syrups (mulberry, grape, date, and fig). This plant-based concoction, free from added sugar, is rich in antioxidants and protein, making it an ideal choice for vegetarians and athletes.

(1 customer review)



Introducing “Keshavarz Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup”:

one of the most nutritious and unique products in Keshavarz’s food basket.


This valuable product is a blend of sesame ardeh and four syrups (mulberry, grape, date, and fig), placing it in the category of health-oriented products due to its beneficial primary ingredients.

In Keshavarz’s food industry, this product, with its time-honored and traditional recipe, is currently in production and is one of the most beloved products under the Keshavarz brand.

Free from preservatives and any chemical additives, this product uses high-quality raw materials in its production process, adhering to the principles of food hygiene.

Furthermore, within Keshavarz’s product range, various other types of sugar-free sesame ardehs are available, using natural syrups instead of sugar, such as date syrup, grape syrup, and three-syrup sesame ardeh, all of which are available for order in the store section.

What are the benefits and advantages of Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup?

Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup is a rich source of calcium, protein, and antioxidants. Sesame ardeh contains a high amount of calcium, surpassing milk by over seven times, making it highly beneficial for preventing osteoporosis, especially recommended for middle-aged individuals.

Additionally, the high iron content in the combination of four syrups serves as a natural remedy for anemia, particularly suitable for individuals in the growth stage or those with physical weakness.

Due to its high plant-based protein content, this product is one of the best meat substitutes and is recommended for vegetarians and athletes.

Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup contains unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9, which reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, due to its high nutritional value and mineral content (such as iron, fiber, calcium, potassium, and magnesium), along with vitamins A, B, and E, it strengthens the skin, hair, teeth, and bones, delaying premature aging.

Among its numerous benefits, Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup helps in muscle weakness, enhances body metabolism, prevents heart and vascular diseases, reduces stress and anxiety, treats constipation and indigestion, boosts libido, enhances memory (especially in growing ages), and reduces hair loss.

The history of Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup dates back to the Safavid era when one of the Safavid kings ordered the preparation of a nutritious food for soldiers with four specific characteristics: compactness, high energy, long-lasting freshness, and satiety. At that time, Sheikh Bahai, with his wisdom, introduced Sesame Ardeh as a product that met all the necessary criteria, receiving approval and praise from the king. Since then, it has been widely used as a nutritious and health-oriented food.

Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup is a delightful and nourishing dessert that can be incorporated into your daily diet. Its daily consumption increases energy levels and, due to its slow digestion, effectively prevents overeating, making it recommended for weight loss regimes.

This product can be used for breakfast, snacks, for adults, children, teenagers, and most importantly, athletes.

Product Storage Conditions:

Store in a cool, dry place (preferably in the refrigerator) away from sunlight. The appearance of oil on the surface over time is completely natural. If stored in the refrigerator, the texture may become slightly firm, which returns to normal when brought back to room temperature.

1 review for Sesame Ardeh Four-Syrup

  1. aboolfazl

    For price inquiries, contact +989127482083

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